Background and motivation for this research

Since 2017, we’ve conducted benchmark research to better understand the access control challenges multinational enterprise companies face. Working with independent research by The Blue Hour, we’ve uncovered valuable insights into the trends and similarities across organizations wanting to optimize their access management systems to add measurable value to the business.

This benchmark survey is conducted anonymously—all data is anonymized so that both your identity and the identity of your organization is kept private. However, we will request some basic information so we can deliver a personalized assessment once you’ve completed the survey.

We aim to provide organizations with a platform to share insights, learn from each other, and prepare for the challenges ahead. With increasing global tensions and rapidly shifting geopolitical realities, robust and adaptable access control has never been more critical.

Thank you for your interest in this initiative. By collaborating, we can shape the future of access control together.


Brochure – Benchmark report

Topics covered

  • How organizations currently organize and manage their access control,
  • The role of Identity and Access Management in enhancing security and operations,
  • Strategies for management risk and ensuring compliance with relevant standards,
  • Insights into how access control data is generated, managed, and utilized,
  • Exploring the future of access control, including sustainability goals, smart building integrations, and ideal system setups.

What’s in it for you?


Personal appointment

Participate in a one-on-one session with a Nedap expert to review your benchmark results. We’ll provide in-depth feedback and share additional context based on tailored insights.


Benchmark results

Receive a personalized benchmark report that compares your insights with those of other participating organizations. Identify potential areas for improvement.


Periodic updates

Stay informed as the benchmark evolves. You’ll receive periodic updates, including new reports,  ensuring you’re always up-to-date on emerging trends and insights.