About Yardi Bluepoint

Yardi Bluepoint visitor management connects and manages people to and through buildings.

Whether commercial real estate, higher education or corporate or industrial sites, we build understanding to deliver journeys that work for our customer’s requirements today and into the future. Our open solution Yardi Bluepoint, integrates with access control and other building technologies to creates a powerful way to manage and understand the movement of people. The data and understanding it provides can improve processes, save costs or generate new revenue.

About the integration

The integration between Yardi Bluepoint and AEOS allows customers to provide a seamless, secure and contactless journey for people to and through their building. Yardi Bluepoint provides a single platform for the facilitation of this journey from invite to check-in to destination via the access control. Customers can access real-time data on these journeys.

  • Enhanced visitor experience

Quick, secure, easy access using the QR code from the Yardi Bluepoint invite email. Visitors check-in and are issued an access card or simply scan their mobile QR code at the speedlanes to access the building.

  • Secure entry

Access for people visiting can be limited to the appointment time and the relevant access group assigned within Yardi Bluepoint.

  • Insight

Yardi Bluepoint provides powerful data on the movement of people to help with reception planning and strategic building management.

Solution name Yardi Bluepoint
Compatible partner products 2019.2.5 and above
Supported regions Eastern-Europe, Northern-Europe, Southern-Europe, Western-Europe & North America
Product languages English, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish

Business: europe@yardi.com
Technical: paul.speariett@yardi.com

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