AEOS & Key cabinet integrations

AEOS supports deep integrations with various keycabinets that manage mechanical keys electronically. The identity and access management rights in AEOS will apply to these keys, of which the status can be monitored 24/7.

About deister electronic

For more than four decades deister electronic has been developing, manufacturing and supplying products for a variety of applications. Founded in 1978, ingenuity and quality are still the primary focus and keeping deister electronic ahead of the competition.
At deister electronic, innovation doesn’t just start with an idea, but with the deep understanding of customer’s requirements. We make a point understanding our customers in order to approach their requests in the best possible way.

Integrating Commander with AEOS

The integration between Commander and AEOS allows the end-user to manage each and every door in the building. Whether with a traditional reader, an offline solution or an old fashioned key, we always know who had access through the door.

  • All Doors
    No matter what security level is required at the door, we can manage all within your budget.
  • Restricted Exit
    No one is allowed to leave a zone with a particular key in possession.
  • Alarm Monitoring
    All events can be transferred as alarms to the alarm panel.
  • OSS
    Your offline solution can be fully OSS or according to the OSS concept.
Solution name Commander
Solution availability Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Russia, North America.
Product languages English, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Chinese (Mandarin), Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian.

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