AEOS 2024.2
Introducing AEOS Certificate Management
This latest AEOS 2024.2 introduces AEOS Certificate Management and Device Certificate Management, taking end-to-end security to the next level. In addition, there is greater visibility, greater flexibility, and more effective security management in the user experience.

Certificate Management
AEOS Certificate Management elevates cybersecurity and manages keystores on all AEOS system components connected to the network (e.g. AEOS servers, lookup/database, and door controllers). With Device Certificate Management, a subset of ACM, both Nedap card readers and AEpacks now also get unique certificates for secure TLS communication through the device certificate manager on the AEpu Blue controller. Go directly to the Certificate Management page now.
Multiple firmware loading
You can now choose the perfect time for your updates with AEOS 2024.2. Select and schedule updates for multiple Kernels, Firmwares, and Configurations across all connected AEpu (Blue) controller devices, including AEpacks and Nedap readers. This should make the update process more flexible and efficient.

Multiple intrusion templates
It’s now possible to assign multiple intrusion templates to a single carrier, simplifying the management of different spaces or building. The authorisations of each assigned template are also combined, for greater flexibility in defining schedules and functions. You’ll be able to experience greater flexibility and more effective management with AEOS 2024.2.
Extra improvements to your user experience
With AEOS 2024.2, it’s now possible to get and see the versions that your controllers are running on in the AEOS front-end. In addition, there are some improvements to AEOS Locker Management including locker group filters and flexible unlock times.
We welcome you to learn more about further improvements across our solutions!
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